... to the website of poet and writer, Peter Langston. This site - formerly Six Nines Imagery - now incorporates all his interests and creativity. A former teacher, Peter retired in 2001 after twenty classroom years and has gradually been putting together a portfolio of interests which now form the activities on this website.
Peter is an established writer, having written on politics, sport, the arts and current affairs for more than forty years in a variety of old and new media but has a great passion for poetry. In 2009, he published the first of six poetry collections. His sixth collection, "Poems At A Social Distance", was released in February (2022). He maintains a Facebook presence for his poetry at Peter Langston - Poet
Peter has worn many hats in his adult years: teacher, sportsman, administrator, advocate, communicator, writer. He considers his roles of relationship to be his best - son, brother, husband, father, grandfather and friend - and it is these he has returned to regularly as a source of inspiration and content in his poetry.
Peter has worn many hats in his adult years: teacher, sportsman, administrator, advocate, communicator, writer. He considers his roles of relationship to be his best - son, brother, husband, father, grandfather and friend - and it is these he has returned to regularly as a source of inspiration and content in his poetry.
The associated pages of this website will give you an insight into Peter Langston but nothing speaks as loudly, as passionately or resonates as genuinely as his poems. If you want to know him best of all, taking his words home is the best way.
Enjoy your look around.